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Utility Assistance
AIDS Alabama offers emergency utility assistance to individuals and families with a qualifying HIV+ member living within 300% of the federal poverty level and have an open AIDS Alabama case file.
Utility Assistance
Location & Hours
Housing &
Housing Assistance
AIDS Alabama
3521 17th Ave S
Birmingham, AL 35222
Ph: 205-324-9822
AIDS Alabama offers emergency utility assistance to individuals and families with a qualifying HIV+ member living within 300% of the federal poverty level and have an open AIDS Alabama case file. This assistance includes paying past utility bills, but does not cover any disconnect fees or phone bills. Emergencies must be verified by documentation and meet the criterion of an unexpected or unusual expense that prevents a consumer from paying a utility bill.
If you are in need of emergency utility assistance, please contact your AIDS Alabama social worker or call our main office at 205-324-9822. If you are not a current consumer of AIDS Alabama’s services but wish to be assigned to a social worker or case manager, please call our main office at 205-324-9822 and ask to speak with our main office social worker, Brittany Lindsey.
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