There are a variety of Annual Events where AIDS Alabama needs volunteers:
AL HIV Advocacy Day
Dining Out for Life
Funky Food Truck Festival
Holiday Wish
World AIDS Day
Holiday Open House

Ongoing Opportunitites
AIDS Alabama also welcomes volunteers to help with ongoing projects & general agency needs:
Beautification (Housing Program Support)
Way Station
HIV Testing & Prevention Education
Development Committee

Volunteer Requirements
All volunteers must demonstrate commitment to privacy and confidentiality
All volunteers must be 19 years of age or older to work with our programs independently
Anyone under the age of 19 wishing to volunteer must be accompanied by a parent/guardian
All volunteers must be dedicated to valuing diversity of: Sexual Orientation, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, Gender Expression, Economic Status, Physical Ability, Mental Ability, Religion or lack thereof, and all other aspects of human difference

Expectations & Responsibilities
Volunteers may expect that staff and other AIDS AL volunteers will…
Demonstrate utmost reverence for privacy & confidentiality
Be respectful to all people
Provide a welcoming environment in which you can work
Provide resources and tools for the projects you are working on
Provide a support network for you in your activities
Help you understand the amount and types of work required for a given volunteer opportunity
Be accommodating and understanding
Accept and affirm you
AIDS AL expects volunteers will…
Demonstrate utmost reverence for privacy & confidentiality
Be respectful to all people
Be a good representative of AIDS AL and our message while volunteering
Be friendly to all people: familiar faces, newcomers, and fellow volunteers
Act in accordance with Who We Are
Educate yourself about the issues we are working on
Work with us to find volunteer opportunities that fit your interests and skills
Let us know in advance if you cannot show up for a volunteer opportunity that you committed to